Franco-Cité Catholic School
Solar Panel Project in Alta Vista

OREC has partnered up with the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est for a 150 kilowatt solar system that is on the roof of Franco Cite Secondary School. This is a 50/50 partnership, through a joint-venture between the two oreganizations, with OREC paying to the school board as rent for the roof space. The system connected to the grid on February 23rd, 2015.
The total cost for this new system is $1,077,805 and will generate money for both the school board and Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-op, while creating green energy for the community. The annual revenue for the system is estimated at $23,353, and will produce 121,972 kilowatt hours per year on average for the next 20 years.
The new solar system on Franco Cite will also provide the students with a learning opportunity. They can learn the science behind how the panels work and how much energy they produce. The information of energy production is available for the students and teachers of the school.
This project was made possible in part through the financial support of the Community Energy Partnerships Program brought to you by the Independent Electricity System Operator.
We are very proud of the partnership. It’s a great opportunity for our students and for our staff to learn about renewable energy. We also plan on integrating the data that we are going to be generating from the solar panels into our coursework.
Marc Bertrand
Principal, Ecole Secondaire Catholique Franco-Cité